Listing Your Property This Spring

Cue the JAWS music. It’s coming…LISTINGS! Yes, spring is an excellent time to list your property. In Western Montana, listings peak between April – June. Why is listing your property in spring a good idea? What should you do to prep your property to list this spring? Read on, as we’ve got you covered:

3 Reasons To List Your Property In The Spring

  1. Two words: NO SNOW!
    In all seriousness, green (as in, trees and grass) oftentimes bring associations with nature and growth. Green is considered a positive color, creative confident connections. With green growth, your home or land listing will show better.
  2. Buyers are waiting
    Listings drop to their lowest point in the winter months (December sees the lowest number new listings across Western Montana), so Buyers anxious to purchase a home or property are ready to charge when the perfect new listing comes available.
  3. You’ve survived the winter and the chaos of the holidays that come with it
    With the coming of spring brings new life – and more energy! – that you can devote to prepping your property to sell. By the time summer comes around, you won’t have to deal with the stress of listing, and instead, can enjoy the glorious recreational season, and all the fun that comes with summer, in Western Montana.

So, you’re interested in listing your property this spring? Set yourself up for success now with these five tips:

5 Things To Do RIGHT NOW Before You List Your Property In The Spring

  1. Get a home inspection
    If you’re aware of any of the concerns or issues that will come up during Escrow, you can take the time now to repair them, and take those concerns off the table altogether.
  2. Declutter
    The less your home looks like YOU, the more likely potential Buyers will be able to see THEMSELVES in the home. In addition, depersonalize and clean, even if that means renting a storage unit short-term. Less “stuff” will also make the cleaning and tidying-up before showings more manageable.
  3. Get your friends’ opinions
    Have friends over and get their input on how your home or property looks, and what might go through their minds if they were looking to purchase it.
  4. Meet and Interview Real Estate Agents
    Don’t make a rash decision and go with the first one you find in a Google Search. Rather, ask friends for recommendations, and search bios of local Agents, then choose several to meet in person. That way, you can understand what they might bring to help you go to market strong. Here is a list of 9 questions to ask every Agent.
  5. Do A Walk Through
    Once chosen, have your Agent walk through your property, and recommend changes or quick-fixes that will help your property shine.

Hear From The Experts

Nichole Perrin and Scott Bull sit down and talk through some of their recommendations.

Ready To Go?

Our team of experienced real estate experts are ready to help bring your listing to market strong. Contact us and we’ll introduce you to an Agent who is experienced in your property type and neighborhood/location, so you can add them to your interview list.

Picture of Kyna Williams

Kyna Williams

Kyna Williams has spent her entire career telling stories for world-renowned brands like Nike and Underwood wine-in-a-can. Now, she joins Revel as CMO and COO. On any given day, you can find Kyna negotiating ad buys, brewing a pot of coffee or assisting agents with their listing presentations.
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